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Kovalchuk Rocks My World

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

First post here in a while, probably won't be the start of a trend or anything, but here it goes: I love Ilya Kovalchuk. This kid is playing out of mind right now for the hometown team. After an abysmal start, the Thrashers are finally starting to gel after (finally) getting its key players back from injury. Oh yeah, and Ilya totally played Sidney Crosby for a fool last weekend. A lovely CNNSI piece about the team here

Malpractice Legislation Passes House, Awaits Senate

Friday, July 29, 2005

In an effort to limit damages in malpractice cases, the House has passed legislation limiting (in most cases) punitive damages to $250,000. Now it is up to the Senate whether or not the bill makes it any further. I cannot stress to you how important it is that this bill be passed. The medical profession is having so much stress added to it in the form of malpractice insurance that it is getting to expensive for some to continue their practices. As more and more are dissuaded from medical professions the negative effects would trickle down to everyone else. Hopefully this bill will pass and somewhat curtail the more ridiculous suits which inflate the already high insurance rates of doctors. Thanks CNN.

Most Serious Threat

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Auburn Men's Golfer Loses To A Girl... Who's 15

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Attention Will Claxton: You will never live this down and your closest friends will mock you for many years to come. Michelle Wie came way back and beat you head to head today at the men's Amateur Public Links. Here's the ESPN article.

UPDATE: As if it wasn't bad enough, the Auburn Athletics website has posted this story too. Read all about it here. Congratulations on making your whole school proud. War Eagle, Will. War Eagle.

The Time Is Now. Francoeur To The Bigs!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Go ahead and get familiar with this guy. He'll be wearing that uni for a long time. Lilburn, Georgia representing. Get 'em Jeff. Tonight. Turner Field. Braves vs Cubs. Be there.

CBS Sportsline Article On Shockley

Monday, June 27, 2005

Yeah, I know we've had our ups and downs, but I still love DJ for sticking around for his turn when he easily could have transfered and been starting for a year somewhere else. Check out the story here.

Merman, Pop...Merman!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

So this is cool news. Israeli inventor Alon Bodner has apparently developed a diving system that will replace scuba tanks as we know them. Essentially, he has studied how fish remove oxygen from water and produced a prototype that will allow people to do the same. This will allow people to breathe underwater at up to a 200m depth without using oxygen tanks. He's working with several scuba companies and has recieved money from the Israeli military to continue his work. Check it out here and the official link here. After all, "Water is the essence of wetness, wetness is the essence of beauty."