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Clemson Looms as Tech Falls at Wake

I have always disliked all of the talk about bubble teams this time of year. This is probably due to being a GT basketball fan and not a Duke fan. GT seems like they are always on the bubble. Save for last year and Marbury's season back in '96, Tech is always just trying to get to .500 in ACC play. This year was supposed to be different. After starting out at #3 in the country, GT's entire season comes down to a home contest against lowly Clemson. CLEMSON. I hate Clems... yep, there I went. I can't even type it anymore. Tech will triumph over "the team we do not speak of" and all will be right with the world. A comfy 8-9 NCAA game and a freaked out 1 seed will be a sure thing. That, or I will cry myself to sleep after the NIT championship game.
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