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So Who Wants To Collaborate?

Monday, May 23, 2005
If you would like to help out on this site, put up a comment or something so I can reach you. Together, we can accomplish many things. Namely nothing.

A Little Break

Monday, May 09, 2005
For the three of you out there reading this page you've noticed a slow down in posts lately. Deal with it. These last few weeks and upcoming weeks are going to be keeping me too busy to update the blog regulary. So in case you were worried, I'm not abandoning you. There might be some posting if I come across something exceptional, but other than that, tough luck. Patience is all I ask.

Me Instead of the Monkey

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Yep, I'll just cut to the chase. Earlier I was in denial that this actually occured, now I have come to accept it. Last night I dreamt that my primary mode of transportation was German Shepherd. I even had to park him in a spot. When I think about it, I'm not really sure how the poor dog didn't get broken. Maybe German Shepherds are the Hummers of dog-powered transportation. Good boy.