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Wisconson Aims To Take Out Cats

So Wisconsion is making a comeback in my mind. Turns out that a slightly insane hunter in the area, Mark Smith, has proposed to lawmakers that cats be declared an unprotected species, and that they create an open season on any free-roaming felines. Smith suggests that anyone with a small game license be able to shoot these cats. "I get up in the morning and if there's new snow, there's cat tracks under my bird feeder... I look at them as an invasive species, plain and simple," Smith said. Also, an idiot Univ. of Wisconson ecology professor stated that vagrant cats are responsible for between 7.8 and 219 million bird deaths a year, in Wisconson alone! I don't know about you, but that seems to be a big discrepancy in numbers. Giving us a range of over 200 million just doesn't really make you an expert at anything. Full story here.
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