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Coach Roy Williams: One Lucky Dog

For all of you who follow college basketball and have a profound understanding of it's intricate workings, you can breathe easy. Last night the team with the most talent won. UNC was blowing out Illinois just like they were supposed to. The Fighting Illini had no answer to Carolina's zone defense. It was brilliant. With the lead extended to 15 and Illinois fading fast, it looked like Coach Roy Williams was on his way to his first championship and shedding his image as a choke artist. Then he started to choke. In a brilliant display of coaching acumen, Coach Roy switched the defense back to man. I cannot express how poor of a decision this is. Roy: If it ain't broke don't fix it. Illinois was completely befuddled by your 1-3-1 zone and then you switch to man? Are you serious Roy??? So, Illinois proceeds to trim the lead to 7 before Coach Huckelberry Hound decides to switch back to zone. This works Roy, quit freaking with the system. Nope, he goes back to man and Illinois comes back to tie. TIE! They tie it up, people! Not only that, but the Illini have three open 3-point attempts to take the lead with the clock dwindling. Fortunately for Roy, they are all missed. If Illinois wins that game he never ever lives it down. Geez.

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