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Good Gas Mileage

Wednesday, March 30, 2005
"Good Gas Mileage"

Copyright 2005 William Warren.

T-Rex Soft Tissue Found In Fossil, Theme Parks To Follow

Thursday, March 24, 2005

This is the craziest, scariest, and coolest thing I have heard about since Jurrasic Park came out. The only difference is that this is real. As of now scientists are uncertain if they will be able to extract an intact sample of dino DNA, but for goodness sakes people, this is ridiculous. Read CNN's article here. Jules Vern would be pround of you, Michael Crichton.

Devaluation Of Human LIfe

Wednesday, March 23, 2005
"Devaluation Of Human Life"

Copyright 2005 William Warren.

The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

Monday, March 21, 2005

Just in case any of you might have forgotten, C.S. Lewis' classic series The Chronicles of Narnia is being made into a live action film series set to be released over the next several years. Up first is The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. The first movie trailers should start appearing sometime in April with the film scheduled to open on December 9th of this year. Purists do not fret: the movies are being co-produced by a stepson of Lewis himself and he promises that the allegorical references and inter-woven Christian themes will remain intact. This is good news to those who had concern over Disney's involvement, which is thankfully limited to distrubution rights only. Oh, and for those of you not familiar with the story the picture above is artwork from the movie depicting the Christ figure Aslan, not Mufasa. Shame on you for thinking otherwise. Go immediately and pick up these books from Amazon!

I'm Out, Suckers....

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I might just send ya'll a postcard from my next destination! Maybe....

Wisconson Aims To Take Out Cats

So Wisconsion is making a comeback in my mind. Turns out that a slightly insane hunter in the area, Mark Smith, has proposed to lawmakers that cats be declared an unprotected species, and that they create an open season on any free-roaming felines. Smith suggests that anyone with a small game license be able to shoot these cats. "I get up in the morning and if there's new snow, there's cat tracks under my bird feeder... I look at them as an invasive species, plain and simple," Smith said. Also, an idiot Univ. of Wisconson ecology professor stated that vagrant cats are responsible for between 7.8 and 219 million bird deaths a year, in Wisconson alone! I don't know about you, but that seems to be a big discrepancy in numbers. Giving us a range of over 200 million just doesn't really make you an expert at anything. Full story here.

Prepare To Be Shocked

Sunday, March 06, 2005

This is a little taste of things to come for fans of the Dawgs. If you think for one second that there will be any sort of drop-off without David Greene running the offense, you are in for a shock. DJ Shockley is the man. With an offense tailor made for his skills and the confidence of knowing that he's the chosen one behind center, Shockley is gonna take everyone by surprise next season. Remeber his flashes of greatness before he got hurt his freshman year? He single handedly beat Clemson in Athens. There was even a QB controversy with Greene. DJ's patience is going to pay off huge for him next year. Just you wait.

Web Exclusive... William Warren Cartoons!

Thursday, March 03, 2005
"I Concur! Amen! How true!"

Copyright 2005 William Warren.

We would like to say thank you to William Warren for using us as the exclusive internet outlet for his artistic prowess. William is the cartoonist for the Old Gold & Black student newspaper at Wake Forrest University and as a freshman student has already made a huge impact with his clever and thought provoking illistrations. William asks that anyone interested in publishing his work through syndication send him an email here. Also, please respect the inherent copyrights of this material and contact William with any questions you may have regarding replication. We are very fortunate to be able to present this feature and hope you all enjoy it!

SEC Approves Instant Replay For 2005

This is some pretty amazing news for college football fans in the south. After finding success in the NFL and being used in an experimental basis last season in the Big 10, instant replay will be coming to the Souteastern Conference for next season. If you are unfamiliar with how this works in NCAA ball it is different than in the NFL. Only referees in the booth upstairs are allowed to pick which plays they deem worthy of review. Personally, I have seen so many games blown by atrocious officiating that this seems like a dream. Of course, I'll change my tune when they overrule a last-second winning touchdown pass that allows Florida to beat UGA. Flippin' gaytors.

The Final Countdown...ESPNU

In honor of tomorrows launch of ESPNU, let us look back and remember the awesome synth intro of "The Final Countdown". What would the 80's have been without hair-metal??? GlamRock at it's finest, Europe paved the way for future artists with its profound lyrical deftness:

" We're leaving together
But still it's farewell
And maybe we'll come back
To earth, who can tell
I guess there is no one to blame
We're leaving ground
Will things ever be the same again
It's the final countdown...
The final countdown
Ooh oh"

Ah, If my life had a soundtrack this song would be on repeat.

Clemson Looms as Tech Falls at Wake

I have always disliked all of the talk about bubble teams this time of year. This is probably due to being a GT basketball fan and not a Duke fan. GT seems like they are always on the bubble. Save for last year and Marbury's season back in '96, Tech is always just trying to get to .500 in ACC play. This year was supposed to be different. After starting out at #3 in the country, GT's entire season comes down to a home contest against lowly Clemson. CLEMSON. I hate Clems... yep, there I went. I can't even type it anymore. Tech will triumph over "the team we do not speak of" and all will be right with the world. A comfy 8-9 NCAA game and a freaked out 1 seed will be a sure thing. That, or I will cry myself to sleep after the NIT championship game.

Sony Ericsson Walkman Phone (Drools)

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

As much as it pains me to say it, the future of portable music is in integrated devices like this W800c Walkman Phone from SE, not iPod's. Announced today, this phone plays Mp3's and sports a snazy interface, Bluetooth, a 1.3 megapixel camera, and a Memory Card Duo slot. My iPod is nice and all, great for road trips and storing my entire music collection, but when these catch-all products begin to truly take off... let's just say that the rumored iTunes phone from Motorola had better be something else. Everyone already has a cellphone and it just makes to not have to carry a seperate music player around at all times. Check out the full story over at Engadget.

Hudson Signs Extension, I Celebrate

Tim Hudson finally got his wish today as he signed a three year contract extension, with an option for a fourth, with the Atlanta Braves. Coming into the season, Hudson, an Atlanta native and Auburn grad, expressed his desire for an extension to his one year contract with the Braves. His foremost concern was that the deal be completed before the season began so that it wouldn't be on his mind throughout the 2005 campaign. Hudson's decision to be flexible with the Braves in working out his extension is a rare thing to see these days. Just look at last years offensive star JD Drew, also a local product. Drew came into town talking about how much he loved being able to finally play for his home team, only to walk away after one season for a few million more dollars than the Braves were willing dish out. Not that he wasn't worth the money, but Drew is softer than Josh Childress and I'm glad his oft-injured self is getting bandaged somewhere else.

NewsGator Is Awesome

So I'm pretty new to all of this news feed business, but I know what I like. And I like NewsGator. It's easy to setup, easy to use, and most importantly free. Just click on the chicklet to the right to subscribe to this feed. Really I just want everyone to do it so I can keep track of how much, if any, traffic I'm getting. Selfish motives are motives nonetheless.