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Rolling Stone: Stupid Stories For Stupid People

First read the Rolling Stone article. I just really disagree with what this magazine has to say about politics. Thanks for pissing me off Bob Moser and representing Christian politicians as "dominionists" and modern day crusaders. They just really enjoy pigeon-holing anyone that voted for Bush as either part of the insane religious right or as someone who was tricked by these religious zealots into voting for their puppet, err, presidential candidate. Geez. While I do agree with their point about it being a bad thing that preachers be allowed to endorse political parties, I just feel that they have no honorable intentions in running a story like this other than pushing their own liberal agendas. This is fine, so long as the people reading these articles undrstand that what they are reading about conspiracy theorists is being written by conspiracy theorists, just on the opposite side. When will people just realize that they need to think for themselves instead of looking to garbage like this as representative of what they believe, when in fact it hardly bares any semblace at all to their feelings on the matter? Just because I voted for a conservative doesn't mean I want to see every elementary school child in America pledge allegiance to the Christian flag. That would be really scary and would only confirm the irrational rantings of "journalists" like Mr. Moser. How dumb do you have to be to believe that everything is black and white, and that those that run this country are equally simplistic? Very dumb, if you were wondering. You'd also have to be dumb to give any credance to political ideas originated by music magazines, and for that matter, musicians too.
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