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Jesus Doll Aimed at Christians With Cash

Okay, more good news. This time from Jesus himself! Thanks to the Beverly Hills Teddy Bear Co., anyone who wants to can buy a Jesus doll which spouts verses at the touch of a button. I wonder, who can the target market be for this? It couldn't be Christians, could it? Let us hear from the horses mouse: "The company has hired a marketing firm with expertise reaching out to churches and church schools to generate sales." Great. Thanks to the success of The Passion of the Christ, Christians can look forward to being gently coaxed out of their money from con-artists for years to come. As a business move it is a good one, as this would appear to be an vast untapped market. They could just ship them off to Family Christian Stores and they would be faithfully (pun intended) bought up by the same sheep (keep the puns coming) who flock (just nailed the trifecta) to every Michael W. Sith (wait, I forget the 'm', or did I?) album the stores pimp to them anually. Check out the full story.
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