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Verizon CEO Thinks You Are Stupid For Wanting Coverage In Your Home

First off, I don't use Verizon. I believe they are terrible, and I believe I am right. They have the worst customer service I have ever encountered. On numerous occasions I have had to deal with them for friends and family, and the crap they put you through is almost comical. Simply put, Verizon preys on the uninformed consumer. In a recent news conference, Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg pretty much spilled the beans on his evil empire. After ranting about how he believes free public WiFi was “one of the dumbest ideas” he'd ever heard, he actually went on to state that customers requests for better service in their homes was unreasonable. Unreasonable, Ivan? Did you stop to think about all of your customers who actually leave their homes and go to, wait for it, other Verizon customers homes??? Is it unreasonable for me to want reception at a friends home when I am away from my landline, Ivan? Oh wait, it isn't. I have Cingular.
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April 20, 2005 9:31 AM

Contrary to your jaded and biased misrepresentation of Verizon Wireless customer service, they have emerged as having better customer service than any other wireless provider. (Source) Your beloved Cingular, received a C in both caller satisfaction and call completion. In fact, just the other day as I was talking to you on the phone, your Cingular connection failed while my Verizon signal remained constantly strong. You can't fight the facts my friend.    

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